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Tags: Real News

Readme Communists Exposed!

Oct. 9, 2024, 9:45 p.m.
By: Joseph "ReadMe" McCathy | Vol 2, Issue 1

It is with a heavy heart that I, Joseph McCathy, admit we have been slighted. We are all the victims of a great and mighty deception perpetuated by 7 members of the ReadMe staff. ReadMe, like many great organizations before it, is infected by the fever known as Communism. This violent fever took down the Russian Empire in 1917, the Roman Empire in 476, and nearly toppled our great American Empi...

Tags: Real News

North Korea to recognize README as official newspaper of Carnegie Mellon University

Oct. 9, 2024, 9:43 p.m.
By: Joe MacDonald | Vol 2, Issue 1

Recently, after several visits to the North Korean embassy I am proud to announce that readMe has officially been declared as North Korea’s go to source for American news. As part of this readMe will now be receiving funding straight from the prosperous economy of North Korea. In addition, a new national holiday has been created to celebrate this occasion, where we have been guaranteed that eve...

Tags: Real News

README Insurance Scam Comes to Light

Oct. 9, 2024, 9:40 p.m.
By: Mihir Deshpande | Vol 2, Issue 1

Last night readMe’s very own chief editor Eshaan Joshi was extradited by the Trudeau administration under several counts of insurance fraud. It was found that for the past three years he has been claiming several life insurance policies from readMe staff along with abusing Canada's generous healthcare policy.

The police investigation is still ongoing as to whether he claimed the insuranc...

Tags: Real News

A fun spin on a popular childhood game

Sept. 24, 2024, 4:37 a.m.
By: Danya Kogan | Vol 2, Issue 1

Tag is a certified childhood classic, and everyone knows the rules. However, I have personally found that if you play it enough times, tag quickly becomes boring. Nevertheless, as a center of innovation, mastermind engineers in the halls of the Princeton of the Alleghenies have devised an updated version of this popular game. On Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024, a group of students were see


Tags: Real News

CMU's Cease and Desist to Radford University Finally Arrives After Being Lost in the USPS Pipeline for 103 Years

Sept. 24, 2024, 4:34 a.m.
By: Phong | Vol 2, Issue 1

At the beginning of this week, a The Tartan spokesperson revealed to Readme in an exclusive interview that CMU Administration and The Tartan were planning on reviving a copyright dispute that is over a century old against Radford University. As it turns out, CMU is not the only institution with a publication named The Tartan, with RU's student publication also sharing this exact name. "


Tags: Real News

I Fucking Hate the 54

Sept. 24, 2024, 4:21 a.m.
By: Danya Kogan | Vol 2, Issue 1

Pittsburgh, a city that prides itself on having some of the strongest trans­rights protections, seems to have been lying right to our faces. You can declare the Steel City to be a "Trans haven" as much as you want, but that does not answer for the glaring dialectic right in front of our eyes. While one may not hear anti­trans rhetoric from no one other than the schizophrenics putting up


Tags: Real News

Scobell House Risks Facing Demolition for Multiple Violations of Pennsylvanian Law

Sept. 24, 2024, 4:17 a.m.
By: Sigmund Maille | Vol 2, Issue 1

Scobell House is currently the only all­-women dormitory at CMU, but this will soon cease to be the case. In the fall of 2023, this student residential building officially opened after being renovated and was converted from an all-­male dormitory to an all­-women dormitory. However, only two years after its official re­opening, Scobell House will be closed or risk being repossessed by the Penns...

Tags: Real News

Carnegie Mellon Updates Enrollment Contract, Since Nobody Reads Those Things Anyway: Here are Some of the Details

Aug. 28, 2024, 4:26 p.m.
By: Tali Kirschenbaum | Vol 2, Issue 0

In an email sent directly to students’ spam folders, Carnegie Mellon University has announced changes to the contract signed by all students upon enrollment. “Because no one is going to read this,” Provost Jim Garrett writes in the email, “we are proud to announce that we have made some of the biggest changes to this contract in Carnegie Mellon history. Read them (or don’t) here.” Below is a no...

Tags: Real News

With child labor laws repealed, CMU Daycare begins buggy training

June 23, 2024, 10:59 a.m.
By: Benner Rogers | Vol 1, Issue 6

In the landmark Supreme Court case Buggy v. United States, child labor laws have successfully been repealed to allow the use of children for buggy drivers. CMU has already begun transforming its daycare center in Margaret Morrison into a state-of-the-art buggy training facility. Children as young as two will begin intensive training on how to steer buggies for this year’s Spring Carnival. The s...

Tags: Real News

readme introduces the BoothBuggy

June 23, 2024, 10:58 a.m.
By: Tali Kirschenbaum | Vol 1, Issue 6

It’s Carnival, and as a new organization on campus, readme has decided that we want to try engaging in all of the Carnival traditions! Of course, we are a small organization, so we weren’t sure if we were going to be able to do everything. However, as a group of people who like to think we’re funny, we have decided to look for loopholes in any rules we can find in order to participate in it all...

Tags: Real News

Booths shut down due to OSHA violations

June 23, 2024, 10:58 a.m.
By: Benner Rogers | Vol 1, Issue 6

MIDWAY, Pittsburgh — in a chaotic scene, officials from the Pittsburgh Department of Health, Safety, and Tiny Wooden Houses have taken control of Midway following Farnham Jahanian’s decision to shut down Midway. The controversial decision was made following reports of numerous OSHA violations violated during Booth construction. The Spring Carnival Committee was quoted to have said “What?”. Furt...

Tags: Real News

Top 10 ways to die during Carnival

June 23, 2024, 10:57 a.m.
By: Kyle Hynes | Vol 1, Issue 6

1. Buggy crashes: Is this one even close? Buggy is like having kids - ­it makes no sense at all when you actually think about it. It’s highly dangerous. The preparation takes up several months of your life, and leads to uncountable sleepless nights. And yet, we can’t seem to stop, because it’s so central to who we are as Tartans. It’s a miracle no one has yet died flying around...

Tags: Real News

readme booth to bring back factory towns

June 23, 2024, 10:54 a.m.
By: Abe James | Vol 1, Issue 6

Visit the Readme booth during Carnival! Or if you missed Carnival, what’s wrong with you? Absolute buffoon. Were you even looking? We are located somewhere between where CS kids go to die and Dietrich students go to thrive off of adult validation. It’ll be like a fun challenge for everyone except IS students, who aren’t allowed to spill the beans. If they do, they get hunted for sport by the gh...

Tags: Real News

SAE Lions Stolen, A Grieving Nation Mourns

June 23, 2024, 10:52 a.m.
By: Ariel Kinel | Vol 1, Issue 5

A darkness has fallen over the Carnegie Mellon campus. Since we have departed for break, two of our good friends have vanished. Staples of our community have been lost. At first, I had hope that we were all being lied to, that the photos were doctored. Alas, upon returning to campus, I saw it with my own eyes. The SAE Lions were gone. I knew this day would come, but I was not prepared. In our ...

Tags: Real News Science and Technology

CMU Humanities Department Revealed to be Sentient AI Testing Grounds

June 23, 2024, 10:50 a.m.
By: Benner Rogers | Vol 1, Issue 5

A question stumping experts around the globe has finally been solved: why does Carnegie Mellon have an English department? For decades people have wondered who would possibly attend CMU just to get a degree in Creative Writing when everyone knows literary analysis is for losers. README has recently conducted a groundbreaking investigation into why anyone would possibly spend tens of thousands o...

Tags: Real News

Readme Responds to The Allegations

June 23, 2024, 10:48 a.m.
By: Maximillian Bartholemow VIII | Vol 1, Issue 5

Let it become beknownst to whomstever accused our collective of various “allegations”, that they are all factually incoherent and blatantly untrue. This response will be organized in the following format — an untrue statement made by an adversary, and our rebuttal.

“Readme will be responsible for various cases of food poisoning on campus on April 1st, 2024”

We are...

Tags: Real News

POST-GAME REPORT: Man Murdered on Walking to the Sky

June 23, 2024, 10:46 a.m.
By: Mike Rophon | Vol 1, Issue 5

Hello everyone! Mike Rophon, ReadMe’s resident sports announcer here to bring you the rundown on the spectacular events of the past few days. Since the sports scene on campus is going through a rough patch, I’ll be bringing you the play-by-play of yesterday’s homicide. Auntie Readme was found dead, skewered to the Walking to the Sky monument and the autopsy found that this was the result of...

Tags: Real News

"Drink fucking water you asocial, unhealthy fucking freaks," nine out of ten doctors say

June 23, 2024, 10:41 a.m.
By: Ariel Kinel | Vol 1, Issue 4

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. As we all find ourselves rejuvenating our love for Avatar: The Last Airbender, I present to you an important lesson. Water. We discuss whether water is wet or not. We spend so much time discussing it, but we do not spend enough time drinking it. So, I present to you my campaign for Water: The Most Forgotten Element (for CMU students). We are in a state where wat


Tags: Real News

Duo Push Goes Rogue

June 23, 2024, 10:39 a.m.
By: Benner Rogers | Vol 1, Issue 4

An unknown Computer Science major has been arrested after reportedly releasing a computer virus across Carnegie Mellon’s campus. The virus targets the Duo Push mobile app, causing it to be triggered whenever a CMU ID card is swiped. If authentication is not performed within sixty seconds...

Tags: Real News

Amid Pitt Threat, Defensive Campus Turtles to Increase in Number

June 23, 2024, 10:38 a.m.
By: Wade Cheng | Vol 1, Issue 4

As the laser cannon atop the University of Pittsburgh's Cathedral of Learning nears completion, projected for the fall 2024 semester, Pitt students rejoice their opportunity to reenter the locked top floors of Cathy to zap unsuspecting cmu students. A Pitt alumn elaborated in an interview, “I always loved studying up there. The fear of death that comes from doing multidimensional calculus at th...

Tags: Real News Science and Technology

README Announces Partnership With Lockheed Martin

June 23, 2024, 10:36 a.m.
By: Benner Rogers | Vol 1, Issue 4

As the world begins to reckon with the effects of global war, the definition of what is considered warfare has broadened significantly. Modern warfare is not just conducted on the battlefield: it is carried out in the home and in the minds of every enemy citizen. Ever since humanity’s...

Tags: Real News

CaPS announces new mental health app

June 23, 2024, 10:34 a.m.
By: Dr. Dee Pression | Vol 1, Issue 4

The CaPS Division of Student Affairs has published an announcement for a new mental health app this week. The brand new application, available sometime within the next two months, comes after a conclusive study done by Dr. Et Al on the happiness of students on campus. The study, titled “Carnegie Mellon students are sad :( “, discussed the extremely high rates of depression at the university and...

Tags: Real News

README experts analyze a game of Chess 2.0

June 23, 2024, 10:25 a.m.
By: Wade Cheng | Vol 1, Issue 4

We have some absolutely riveting chess gameplay between RandomBot and Saffron here today. In the first game of RandomBot's career, they put up a courageous fight against a rotating chess veteran, managing to promote a pawn, defend from queen-rook mate, thwart rook freedom, and prevent checkmate...

Tags: Real News

‘I’m good’ Not Followed By Long Contemplative Silence, Officials Investigating

June 23, 2024, 10:24 a.m.
By: Jeremiah Cornelius Penname XXVII | Vol 1, Issue 4

February 24th, 2024, 4:46PM: In a shocking turn of events, a local student exchanging pleasantries responded “I’m good” without a long, heavy silence brimming with unsaid daily anxieties, unfulfilled ambitions and existential dread.

“They didn’t even follow the statement with a discussion about how few hours of sleep they got the previous night,” a startled witness detailed.


Tags: Real News

Scotty Dog Cheating, Martha Is Speechless!

June 23, 2024, 10:15 a.m.
By: Abe James | Vol 1, Issue 3

Once again, the cheating allegations cannot escape Scotty Dog who was seen leaving Schenley Park with Clifford the Big Red Dog in photos posted to X and Reddit by Paparazzi. However it seems these allegations are not just allegations as videos were taken of Clifford kissing Scotty Dog. Scotty Dog’s reaction also seemed to prove his guilt with him barking and charging at the camera to stop them ...

Tags: Real News

CMU Apologizes For Typo, Tuition to Increase by 37.2% Instead of 3.72

June 23, 2024, 10:13 a.m.
By: Benner Rogers | Vol 1, Issue 3

The president of Carnegie Mellon University, Farnam Jahanian, recently issued an email apologizing for a typo in a recent tuition update sent to students. The email incorrectly notified students of a 3.72% price increase in tuition. In reality, the increase was 37.2%. Jahanian’s email wr...

Tags: Real News

Gender euphoria: humorless humping

June 23, 2024, 9:48 a.m.
By: Jasmine Papino-Wood | Vol 1, Issue 3

Gender Dysphoria is the concept of one’s gender identity within oneself clashing with their perceived or performed gender presented to the outside world. This is a common phenomenon, particularly in the trans and non- binary communities, where this dissonance causes intense discomfort. Common triggers for dysphoria include improper pronoun use, wearing clothing that misaligns with an individu...

Tags: Real News

Donner combusts, will be used as housing regardless

June 23, 2024, 9:46 a.m.
By: Benner Rogers | Vol 1, Issue 2

Early Friday morning, the sound of explosions rang throughout campus as Carnegie Mellon’s most reviled dorm, Donner House, appeared to spontaneously combust. Luckily no one was harmed, as residents attempt to spend as much time outside of Donner as possible, however the building suffered catastrophic damage. On Monday a CMU representative stated that Donner will, in fact, still be used to house...

Tags: Real News

CMU to literally go to war with U of Pitt

June 23, 2024, 9:44 a.m.
By: Kyle Hynes | Vol 1, Issue 2

PITTSBURGH, Pa. ­ The cannons were readied. The troops were in position. We had the element of surprise. Twelve twenty­five p.m. President Jahanian, standing in Napoleonic fashion behind the frontline that had assembled atop Warner Hall, let his arm drop and gave the order. “Fire!” Four explosions, and four westbound cannonballs fired from Carnegie Mellon’s most archaic weapons, filled the air<...

Tags: Real News

The Grass is Greyer on the Other Side

June 22, 2024, 10:36 a.m.
By: Jasmine Papino-Wood | Vol 1, Issue 2

Carnegie Mellon University is a globally regarded institution. With one of the best computer science programs in the world, a booming arts scene, and plenty of ways to engage its students, it’s no wonder CMU has such a strong reputation. Not only is this school academically challenging, providi...

Tags: Real News

Zoning Dispute Leaves Carnegie Mellon With a Broken Fence and Broken Heart

June 18, 2024, 4:07 a.m.
By: Benner Rogers | Vol 1, Issue 2

An unknown, century-long zoning conflict between Carnegie Mellon and the city of Pittsburgh has recently come to light in a particularly destructive way: the Fence, a CMU tradition harking back to the early days of the university, is to be demolished next Wednesday.

On No...

Tags: Real News

10 Reasons readme is better than The Tartan

June 17, 2024, 11:45 p.m.
By: Eshaan Joshi | Vol 1, Issue 1

1) Better at news

Unlike The Tartan, which operates on the ideas that journalism should be "fair" and "unbiased", readme is the only campus news source that includes fun quips interesting comments, and other eccentricities.

2) Better words

Find me a single example of the Tartan using the word "eccentricites". You can't. We're simply better.

3) Lack of a sports...

Tags: Real News

The secret dark reality of ChatGPT

June 17, 2024, 11:32 p.m.
By: Benner Rogers | Vol 1, Issue 1

Much to the dismay of educators around the globe, the popularity of Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has exploded over the past year. Millions of prompts are sent every day to OpenAI’s groundbreaking chatbot ChatGPT. Carnegie Mellon’s students in particular have quickly latched on to this new way to avoid their homework. However, behind ChatGPT’s shiny facade lies a foundation of exploitation an...