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KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117


📍 DH 1117


Interning, As Long as we keeP him here



Ian Turner, known typically by his nickname "Meat", is ReAdMe's loyal intern, who does anything we ask him to do, at any hour of any day. Hired during a brief writer's strike, Meat has since integrated very well with the rest of the since-revived staff and become a well-loved and highly valued member of our community. When he isn't writing articles, editing articles, photoshopping images, running our finances, or getting Celsius for our staff, Meat loves going camping in uncharted forests in order to find inspiration for our Cryptid Corner section!

Fun Fact

Meat is totally, definitely, completely not trapped on readmE staff and can go wherever he pleases at any time!

Previous Work

FBI Agents Are So Hot..... Please Ask Me Out


Why The Long Face


I'm going to punch you (John Lennon)

Out walking I’ve got a shovel And a crow bar And a copy of Catcher in the Rye And my fists I am going Going to punch you

Like a priest I move with holy purpose Towards an asshole Unlike the priest Not in a sexual way Though I have seen your Semi-erect penis

Pigeons cover your grave And I shouldn’t be surprised As I am in Central Park Beady eyed freaks remind me of you My fist


Merry Christmas from Meat




(New) Intern's Report

We have intern, Ian “Meat” Turner, here by his own free will to write an article for us. Right, Meat? intern’s note- understood

strike Has rEadme in a chokehoLd. writers comPlain about lack of financial coMpEnsation.

iT appears tHat rEadme, the reallY cool newspaper, wHo hAVE becoMe loved bY our carnegie mellon FAMILY, Has fallen under rOugh timeS due To An onGoing strikE...

