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KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117
Rhodes N. Spectre

Rhodes N. Spectre

📍 missing…

Senior Staffwriter, Artist

Civil Engineering, 2027




Fun Fact


Previous Work

DIY Green Card


Easy Flow Chart to see if Readme Likes You Back


Commonly Asked Dinner Q's

Whenever you bring home a new loved one for dinner, it’s inevitable that your parents will ask you questions about them. Bringing home your new copy of ReadMe is no different. Today we will discuss some of the questions you can anticipate will be asked of you and your new beau, and how to best respond to them to inspire confidence in your parents.

“So how did you two meet?”

Hot Singles Near You


Human Mating Calls: The Bird Perspective

Humans are among nature’s most social animals. They are renowned for their group migrations, cooperative foraging, communal roosting, synchronous breeding aggregations, precise parent–offspring interactions, coordinated group defenses, and intricate territorial and courtship rituals. In these and other contexts, and indeed in most moments of their lives, humans’ capability to navigate complex s...

Feng Shui to make you forget them

Everyone’s been there at some point or another: She left and took the house and the kids, he suddenly ghosted you after texting you “Love you, sweet dreams” the evening before, or you find from their friend that they were not into you it’s just that you were there at the right ...

Novel Bug Swatting Method


Every Gun Needs a Home


AI Enhanced Paperclip


War on Christmas Finally Ends


Believe In Santa


CivE department apologizes for increase in campus construction

Earlier this week the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering issued a statement addressing the sudden increase in construction around CMU’s campus, making many spaces unusable, and causing significant traffic delays as 5th Ave and Forbes Ave have had sections of the roads closed. In the statement, the head of undergraduate and graduate studies for the department cite the practicum po...

Real classes have curves


Patent Pending tear-off cheat sheet


Hamerschlag ghosts still haunted by 122 homework
