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Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
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CMU Takes Position on Gates Divorce

In August of 2021, Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates got a divorce after 27 years of profitable marriage. While the couples' finances have since been settled, CMU has quietly ignored a brewing custody battle over the Gates' favorite child: the Gates-Hillman Center.

While the 9-story building was conceived by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2009, which is around the time Bill first became friends with Jeffrey Epstein, the Bill Gates Foundation and the Melinda Gates Foundation have since parted ways. They can no longer legally support the same causes, and that includes raising the young Gates Center, which turns 16 this fall.

CMU has had to step in as an impartial mediator. Farnam had strong opinions on the issue, and quickly decided that custody would go to the Melinda Gates Foundation. The building is now to be called the Melinda Gates Center. Hillman has been dropped from the name, though his influence still remains in the building's acronym, which will remain GHC (though it is now short for "Glasgow Haskell Compiler").

Melinda French Gates has stated she has plans for the building now that it is fully under her control. For one, she plans to destroy the spiral, which she states "reminds [her] of Bill's penis." The classrooms in the center tower of the spiral will remain in use, but students must now jump across a chasm to get to class.