Paid for by: Mothers against Drunk Buggy Driving
KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117
Maximillian Bartholemow VIII

Maximillian Bartholemow VIII

📍 Berkshire, England


Juris Doctor, Oxford Faculty of Law, 1999



Born to a wealthy landowning family in Surrey, England, Maximillian Bartholemew III, is our highly esteemed lawyer. After graduating at the top of his class at Oxford University with a degree in international law, Sir Bartholemew committed himself to our proletarian cause, spreading truth to the masses, highly nobly. As we all know very well, those who speak with upmost sincerity find themselves the target of “defamation lawsuits”, “copyright infringements”, and “cease-and-desist letters”, and we thus find ourselves in dire need of a savior like Sir. Bartholemew. (Close acquaintances are permitted to refer to our revered nobleman as ‘Max Barty’, but that name is also authorized to be used at cocaine-fueled yacht parties, which our honor often attends)

Fun Fact

My great great grandfather was a major figure in the North Atlantic telegraph-line laying industry

Previous Work

Readme Responds to The Allegations

Let it become beknownst to whomstever accused our collective of various “allegations”, that they are all factually incoherent and blatantly untrue. This response will be organized in the following format — an untrue statement made by an adversary, and our rebuttal.

“Readme will be responsible for various cases of food poisoning on campus on April 1st, 2024”

We are...