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KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117
Gavin Radford

Gavin Radford

📍 here

Staffwriter, Lead Gavin, Nutrients how to spell phziks, MCS '28

any/all (puzzle)


Gavin is a thought-leader, activist, and thingy-maker from San Gabriel, California. He first learned about humor at just ten years old during the 2016 presidential election, and has been in love with Jimmy Fallon ever since. Gavin has written for KQED, Bloomberg World Report, and the Torah. chillah. creeps, weirdos DNI!! hmu if you want to make an award-winning film franchise ONLY!

Fun Fact

"Yesterday, Tomorrow was Today" - dhub

Previous Work

Readme Studies Abroad


Tepper Unveils New Hell Campus

“We fought hard to ensure our students a prime location. It’s like a stu-cation! Which is what we’re calling it when one of our students goes to Hell.”

  • Dr. S. A. Tan, Office of Tepper Study Abroad Programs


BREAKTHROUGH: Man Crushed by Falling Piano, Killed by Banana Peel

(CMU) - In 1945, one J. Robert Oppenheimer oversaw the first detonation of a nuclear weapon, and for decades thereafter the institution of physical sciences was seen for what it is: a dominant force of the universe surpassing human confines, and one of the great sciences, a real science, ethically questionable and all. But since the end of the Cold War, those glory days have faded, and a once a...

What is the Falseburger? Readme investigates
