Paid for by: Reindeer poaching in and around the North Pole.
KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117

So you're on a couple waitlists

This past week CMU students were given the opportunity to register for spring semester classes. Due to over-enrollment this year some poor sops (me) were given 9:30 pm registration times. By noon, 15-122 already had a 370-person waitlist, which is fine, it’s only a pre-req to every single course I need. Despair set in as students with unfortunate registration times (me) panicked about getting graduation requirements. However, there need not be panic. There are many benefits to being on the waitlist, but it's fine as it is. First, if you’re stressing about taking concepts and 15-122 in the same semester, or planning on registering for whatever weedout course your major requires, don’t worry, you won’t have to do these hard courses because you can’t get in. You can spend this new found free time making fun of your friends that have to take hard courses (absolute suckers). You don’t even have to take easy core courses at 8:00 am because the people with 3:00 pm registration times took them. If you were planning on doing a double major, that burden is lifted off of your shoulders because no way are you ever getting off of the waitlist for any of the courses you need for that second major. Second, as finals week rapidly approaches, there is no solace in the fact that we have to do this all again in the spring. However, there’s nothing to worry about! Only being registered for one course means just the one final. I get to spend the last half of finals week laughing at you nerds. Bonus: if you just drop out you never have to take finals again, and then other people (me) can get off of waitlists. Third, you can finally achieve a healthy sleep schedule. CMU students are known to spend 80-plus hours a week doing schoolwork. If you couldn’t get the courses you need next semester, fear not, you will have plenty of time to fix your ruined sleep schedule. You can finally go to sleep before 3:00 am. No more late night trips to Scotties to buy a caseload of Celisus for your third all-nighter in a row. You can sleep soundly with the anxiety of getting employed at [insert quant firm here] without taking 15-210. Fourth, you can finally call your mom, with no courses to occupy your schedule you definitely have time to call her. I know you're addicted to your phone, so use it to call her. Why are you still reading this? Go call your mother, she misses you. It’s not like you're going to get off the waitlist in the 30 minutes you spend talking to her.