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KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117

README Announces Partnership With Lockheed Martin

As the world begins to reckon with the effects of global war, the definition of what is considered warfare has broadened significantly. Modern warfare is not just conducted on the battlefield: it is carried out in the home and in the minds of every enemy citizen. Ever since humanity’s first battle was waged, wars have been fought over the support of the public.

It is because of this new understanding of total war that README is proud to announce its new partnership with American defense contractor Lockheed Martin. This deal follows the announcement of Lockheed Martin’s new Propaganda Unit, where US-hired mercenaries will fight tirelessly to ensure that even the families they bomb will agree with American foreign policy. As a renowned distributor of state-sponsored propaganda, README has gladly agreed to lend its writers to the noble cause of finding oil in the Middle East.

Ranked number one in number of accidents and number five in legal settlements over contractor misconduct, Lockheed Martin’s reputation is unmatched. README is dedicated to upholding Lockheed Martin’s good standing among war machines across the world. As such, new writers looking to join README will now be required to lobby Congress for increases in military spending by at least $999,999,999.99. If an applicant's lobbying is successful, they will be welcomed into the staff of README, having proven themselves a true God-fearing patriot.

Carnegie Mellon has enjoyed the funding of Lockheed Martin for nearly 40 years. Selling one’s soul for a high salary is a time-honored tradition, and one that README is honored to continue. Plus, it’s not like there’s many other writing jobs out there, so I’ll take what I can get.