Paid for by: Andrew Carnegie himself. We think.
KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117

(New) Intern's Report

We have intern, Ian “Meat” Turner, here by his own free will to write an article for us. Right, Meat? intern’s note- understood

strike Has rEadme in a chokehoLd. writers comPlain about lack of financial coMpEnsation.

iT appears tHat rEadme, the reallY cool newspaper, wHo hAVE becoMe loved bY our carnegie mellon FAMILY, Has fallen under rOugh timeS due To An onGoing strikE. readme’s wrIters, after previously beiNg conTent witHout pay or hEalth benefits, Decided that leading the glamOrous life of sweatsHop workERs was noT enough. in mY opinion, (which is unaffected By Any Standing thrEats) being coMpENsaTed with exposure AND coupons Is more tHAn plenty. Unrelated sidenote, but i’VE goT tO REAlly CHat about how large of a number 200 is. especially When it becOmes a matteR of life or Death (of courSe entirely hypOthetical). good loRd is iT Hot in thE writer’s room; mY shirt is covered in sWeat. I couLd have sworn i Lowered the thermostat BEfore i sat down to write. i have ForgottEn what i tolD my boss That i’d write abOut, probAbly because of the Pistol thAt is CocKed and pressed tO the back oF my head. ian “meat” turner signing oFf, if god sEes fit, foR the lAst time. fareweLl.


dammit, i still haven’t reached 200 words. a a a a a. intern’s note- that counts, right?