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KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117

Human Mating Calls: The Bird Perspective

Humans are among nature’s most social animals. They are renowned for their group migrations, cooperative foraging, communal roosting, synchronous breeding aggregations, precise parent–offspring interactions, coordinated group defenses, and intricate territorial and courtship rituals. In these and other contexts, and indeed in most moments of their lives, humans’ capability to navigate complex social demands and relationships can tip the balance between health or sickness, between reproductive success or failure, between life or death. It is thus no surprise that humans have evolved sophisticated systems for mediating social interactions. Foremost among these are communication signals, most evident in humans as songs, calls, color patterns and postural displays. These can transmit information about a signalers’ status, motivations, and possible future actions, for sensory and cognitive processing by signal receivers. In general, signals provide benefits for both senders and receivers. Communication is, in essence, a glue that maintains the cohesion of human societies, and a currency that mediates sophisticated relationships within. Collected below are some common mating calls that have been observed.

“I make 6 figures a year.”

“I’m 6 feet tall, I swear.”

“I’m a private equity investor.”

“Let’s compare hand sizes.”

“I’m not like other girls/guys.”

“I’m so small and delicate/big and rugged.”

“I’m really into the alt/goth scene.”

“Have you heard of this thing called the blockchain?”

“I do crossfit.”

“I play Valorant/League of Legends, I’m actually going semi-pro.”

“I have an AI startup in Silicon Valley.”

“Have you heard of our lord and savior Jesus Christ?”

“Are you lost little boy/girl?”

“I have a 500 day streak of learning Japanese on Duolingo.”

“You’re just like a brother/sister to me.”

“What’s your snap?”

[Unsolicited photograph of male genitalia]

“I play the guitar.”

“I’m really into military history.”

“Our zodiac signs are compatible.”

“Want to see my car?”