Paid for by: The Wretched hands of global capitalism and Kevin
KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117

Student gives 75 classmates AIVs

On Tuesday, November 26th, during a midterm for 18-122 (Principles of Slightly Different Computing), a record of 75 students were given academic integrity violations within a 32 minute span. While their alleged offenses varied widely in scale and execution, they all constituted some form of unauthorized aid, traced back to a single student who passed the course with a C last semester. Most significantly, none of the students involved showed any desire to receive assistance on the midterm. The aid arrived in many different forms. Some thirty students received copies of Tuesday's midterm in their CMU Gmail inbox the night before, with personalized notes. Others were given assistance during the test itself: the student providing aid was caught no less than 13 times staring directly at a terrified student in the lecture hall, aggressively blinking in morse code. Several more students entered the test with detailed course notes written on their hands or arms, which they consistently denied writing themselves. "I just woke up with this written on me," one concerned AIV recipient stated. With over 90% of the class having received unauthorized and undesired assistance, just 9 students remain. They report a frightening atmosphere both in and out of the class, due to an ever-present threat of unwanted help with their coursework. One student reported changing her route to her apartment, after a masked figure jumped out of the shadows and began reciting homework answers. Another classmate returned to Michigan over the break to find his bedroom window shattered, the culprit being a brick with a note tied to it containing a printed copy of the upcoming final.