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KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117

Easy Alternatives To Fixing Your Heater!

With the current weather conditions, it is important that everyone stays safe, and more importantly warm. However, when the heater has to be fixed seven times in one month– and still isn’t working– it might be time to look for alternatives. Heaters can be a bit out of the price range for many of us. Considering the heater will only be used for about another month or so, many of us can’t justify spending so much money! But, because staying warm is incredibly important, we here at ReadME have compiled a few cheap and easy ways to stay warm during the harsh winter!

At-Home Sauna Just turn on the bathroom faucets to hot and sit back on your porcelain throne. Eventually, the steam will act as a makeshift sauna. If you have a tub, sit in that instead. If you are using the tub, make sure you bring snacks and everything you need on a chair or small table. You’ll be staying in there for a while, getting out will be a fate worse than death! Be prepared to stake out the bathroom for as long as possible, even if you have roommates. While this solution is extremely easy, it may not be viable for everyone. If you pay for utilities, you will definitely incur severely high prices in the long run. Also, if you don’t have running hot water, this is not the method for you!

Feeling the Heat Another idea to try is using the power of hot food to warm you up. Spicy food will be the best for this trick. Simply get some hot sauce in your eyes, nose, and ears and let them sit for a few minutes! You’ll forget that bed is literally a sheet of ice because of how warm you feel. That and the fact you’ll be in excruciating pain. If it gets too unbearable, you can always call the ambulance and get to stay in the warmth of the ER- although your overnight hospital stay may also make you bankrupt. You may also lose the ability to smell, hear, and see. Oh well!

Fun Dorm Campfires If all else fails, a nice fire will warm you right up! If you have a butane stove, turn it on. A few minutes later, you will realize the icicles in your room are barely dripping. Not to worry because lighters and matches can be fairly cheap and available in many places. Alternatively, get some dry sticks and start rubbing. Consider using up all your past notes, tests, and readings as kindling. If decent sized wood fuel is too hard to find this time of year, consider using your roommate’s things–anything large and flammable. However, be extremely mindful about setting off any sprinkler systems. If you get wet, that’ll just make you more cold! There is also a non-zero chance you burn your place down. To combat any excessive fire growth, be sure to have a fire extinguisher and a bucket-full of water on hand! If not, you may be facing hefty fees and the extreme cold.

Just Leave!!! The final option is to simply not live at your place anymore. The demons of ice and snow have won. Crash the rest of the winter with a friend, colleague, even a sworn enemy. If you must, show up to Farnam’s doorstep and start to sob uncontrollably until he lets you in. If your chosen host declines, try begging even more pitifully. Or, stage a hostile takeover of their place. Maybe find refuge on campus. The HOA couches and chairs might be a good place to sleep. You could shower in the UC or Gates! Or, just live outside in a tent. Because the tent is much smaller, heat from your body can radiate more, making it much warmer than wherever you were living. Wherever you go, just get away from the icy hell that is your living situation.