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KGB Presents: readme
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Feng Shui to make you forget them

Everyone’s been there at some point or another: She left and took the house and the kids, he suddenly ghosted you after texting you “Love you, sweet dreams” the evening before, or you find from their friend that they were not into you it’s just that you were there at the right time and place. You can still revel in the aftermath, you poor single soul, because not all hope is lost. At least not for your mental health, because in today’s guide, README will teach you how to use classical Chinese interior design techniques to reclaim the space the two of you used to share. The first step is to take the time to understand Feng Shui, a luxury they never extended to you. Feng Shui is an analysis of the placement of objects relative to each other so as to understand the effects of the Qi, or “energy” that spiritually inhabits all objects. The concept of Qi goes back to the earliest examples of Taoist texts about how to cultivate Qi for better health and longevity. It is often claimed that Feng Shui, when done well, can enhance one's connection to the world and reduce stress and anxiety. These tips will help consolidate all the positive Qi back into your life, or at least give you something to do that isn't getting drunk and begging to be taken back:

Tip 1 - Never Hang Mirrors Across from the Front Door The reason is simple: Any good energy that comes across your threshold will immediately get reflected back outside. Of course this may depend on what energy lies outside, for example, using mirrors in hallways that greet a serene landscape may pull that peaceful energy into the home. But you live in America, which means you are invariably facing a major road, so block out that chaotic noisy energy by removing any mirrors from the thresholds outside.

Tip 2 - Never Put a Bedroom Over a Garage Garages have heavy, chaotic energies. And that is the last thing you want to feel when it comes to rest. In Feng Shui, a garage is beneficial because it represents bringing resources into the home, but it is not ideal to have a bedroom over a garage. It is a big, open, empty space with not a lot of life energy in it, which can leach into your bedroom, making your bed feel big, open and empty.

Tip 3 - Treat Your Stove Like Your Most Prized Possession Stoves are important in Feng Shui—they bring good fortune and attract abundance. The stove represents household wealth. Even if you never cook, try to use it periodically and all its burners. Keep yours clean and use food to fill that hole in your stomach.

Tip 4 - Ban Electronics in the Bedroom They’re not gonna text you back. It’s not happening.

Tip 5 - Never Place Beds in Direct Alignment with Doors It is best not to be directly in line with the door to your bedroom. Having your bed in a good position is one of the Feng Shui fundamentals. Place your bed so you can see the door while lying down without being directly in line with it; this is the optimal placement. This brings ease and restfulness because it allows you to see what is coming at you, both literally and figuratively, and gives foresight to predict another “we need to talk” text.

Tip 6 - Declutter Clutter is super destructive to a home and its occupants, especially when it overwhelms you from the moment you walk in the door. From a Feng Shui perspective, clutter is a “block” or an “impasse”, and the Qi cannot flow properly. Removing clutter can be a way to get the energy moving, especially if you feel stuck, and removing their things from your home helps stop reminding you of them whenever you see their items.

Tip 7 - Keep the Kitchen Table Clean This hub represents family and love; you want people to crowd around it and feel welcome. Keep it clean and available for gathering. This advice also extends past the kitchen table. Try balancing the energies of the kitchen with a vibrant green plant or by adding a bowl of oranges, which represent abundance

Tip 8 - Close Bathroom Doors When They’re Not in Use Typically bathrooms radiate negative energy, which you do not want to circulate around the house. In addition, a lot of superstitions revolve around the flow of water, which can center the bathroom in the spiritual mind. Be sure to value water as the resource it is by fixing leaks and drips, and isolating your bathroom from the spirituality of the home by closing the door.

Tip 9 - Fill Forlorn Spots with Plants Whether it’s a corner or a dark hall, seek out spots that feel stagnant and add the energy of happy green. They embody the energy of wood and can lift stagnant, stale Qi in a home. Now, plants do need sunlight, so be mindful of the type of plant you choose and where to place it. Afterall, how can you expect anything to thrive in an environment without warmth and care? The plant will try its best and be heartbroken when it just still isn't enough.