Paid for by: the 300 gnomes in my garden
KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117


We have so much debt. As such, I have to use a typewite that’s missing a few keys. How will this cut costs and pay off the debt? No idea.

Phishing Scam A massive phishing scam was sent out by a compomised student oganization to 960 and 100 students disguised as a typical club email. Out of those 960 and 100 students, 400 students have downloaded malwae onto laptops. Computing Sevices is completely swamped with all the calls, emails and pleas. In the meanwhile, CMU advises all students to be vigilant about phishing attempts.

Table and Stool Heist Gone South Some business students have been caught by maintenance attempting to steal tables and stools out of HOA, CFA and Gates to sell on Discod and Facebook Maketplace. One of the students has confessed that the heist was because of an assignment in which they needed to yield funds. CMU admin, upon lengthy discussion, has decided the best action is that the tables and stools not immediately confiscated to be placed back in position. Many believe that this gentle consequence is because the man the business building is dedicated to, meddled in the decision.

Black Maket Steam Tunnel Tous The CMUPD has caught wind of a student-led black maket of steam tunnels tous and othe steam tunnel activities. Howeve, no offending students have been found as the deals happened in Sidechat via goup chats and DMS. The CMUPD asks that students contact them with details. CMU Sidechat do not have the same sentiments, complaining about the CMUPD taking away the fun afte months of complaining about academics and elationships.