Paid for by: a marvelous collection of mental hospital escapees, engineers, and the odd english major.
KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117

README experts analyze a game of Chess 2.0

We have some absolutely riveting chess gameplay between RandomBot and Saffron here today. In the first game of RandomBot's career, they put up a courageous fight against a rotating chess veteran, managing to promote a pawn, defend from queen-rook mate, thwart rook freedom, and prevent checkmate throughout the seventeen and three-half turn long game. But in a nauseating turn of events, RandomBot blundered the king straight into the { x ∈ ℝ | 155 < x < 195 } file, losing immediately to a trivial capture by the rook. The future of rotchess isn't looking good for developer Wade Cheng as Lockheed Martin considers pulling out funding: "We were promised an implementation for the intercontinental ballistic missile gambit, but it can barely keep itself out of check. Who let this idiot on the payroll?"

175,325 to 175,225
375,325 0rad to 0.51173rad

75,75 to 75,175
K225,25 3.14159rad to -2.63673rad

375,325 to 326.03059,237.81056
25,325 0rad to -0.40122rad

75,175 to 75,275

325,75 to 325,175

Q175,375 to 175,275
25,325 -0.40122rad to 0.09966rad

175,75 to 175,175
25,75 3.14159rad to -2.02807rad

R375,375 to 375,275
175,225rad to 0.92577rad

75,275 to 125,325
375,753.14159rad to 2.04415rad

R375,275 to 225,275
B125,375 0rad to -2.33055rad

125,325 to 75,375
B275,25 3.14159rad to -0.80829rad

B125,375 to 117.75000,92.25022

175,225 to 95.09141,164.87830
K225,375 0rad to 2.98350rad

275,75 to 275,175
N325,25 3.14159rad to -1.31169rad

Q175,275 to 175,175
95.09141,164.87830 0.92577rad to -0.99649rad

N325,25 to 302.29024,134.47267
B275,25 -0.80829rad to 0.49555rad

Q175,175 to 175,25
R225,275 0rad to 0.60554rad

K225,25 to 181.23792,49.18430
R25,25 3.14159rad to -1.10367rad

R225,275 to 175,275
95.09141,164.87830 -0.99649rad to 0.26916rad

R375,25 to 325,25
R325,25 3.14159rad to -0.92016rad

R175,275 to 175,75