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KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117

Readme Crime Report

As always, Readme has another very real crime report. Only the best for our dear loyal readers. Anyways, here are the crimes!

Student’s Mouse Problems Turns Ugly

Recently, two CMU students had been sued by the Mouse himself after selling charms and prints featuring a black anthropomorphic mouse character wearing gloves on campus grounds. When readme correspondence interviewed the two, they responded that the color and the gloves were the only similarities. In fact, their mouse wore a shirt and had whiskers unlike the Mouse himself. The Mouse is demanding $2.5 million in compensation and emotional damage. Only time will tell what happens to the case.

Hunting Head of Fake Licenses

A man was recently arrested for hunting sixteen doves within a day, one over the daily limit. Upon his arrest, it was revealed he had a fake hunting license. Several other men have been arrested who also had similarly fake licenses. With the wild turkey hunting season drawing close, the authorities are worried about who else is hunting game without the appropriate documentation. One CMU student noted that people will hunt illegally anyways. However, the authorities have said it is more so about the principal and taking advantage of the government. Now, the authorities are on the prowl for whoever is handing out these fake hunting licenses.

Carnivore War

An all out war has shaken out on campus. Two factions of the Carnivore Chomping Club have split up in regards to what is and is not allowed in a carnivorous diet. One side are the carnivore purists, only eating meat and nothing else, while another side also indulges in seafood and animal products. The Fence and the pathways have become victims to the war with taunting messages written to the opposite faction as well as the general student population. Other club executives are frustrated with the Carnivore Chomping Club because of the lack of ability to advertise. However, the general public doesn't seem to care too much with it just being an inconvenience.