Do you want to hear a joke?
Hey hey, I got a joke for you, right? You’re like, reading this magazine or whatever. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, the Reader, whatever. This one’s like traveling, right? Like abroad? So, you know how you’re, like, traveling? Like, tr-traveling? Haha! You know, hehe, like, there’s, you know, wo- wo- [chuckling] there’s like WOMEN there! Amiright? Right?
[four seconds of silence]
Anyway, like. Traveling. Like you’re traveling uhhh, like, abuh. Like, a buh [Laughter] abuh- abuh- hold on. [Shaky breath] Abruhaha- hahaha- a broa- A- BRO [Cackling] Oh, oh ma [Continuing laughter] Oh, oh let me catch my breath. [Huffing and puffing]. Ohh. Oh it’s like, a BRO [laughing escalates], a, a, [deep breath] a BROAD! [Howling with laughter]