Paid for by: Mothers against Drunk Buggy Driving
KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117

Overheard at CMU

Person 1: "Look at these Jehovah's Witnesses proselytuting"

Person 2: "I think the correct term is 'sect work.' "

"I have a special ability, one I don't tell anyone about. I'm sort of a superhero. My power is that my card works at Chipotle on the first try, when for everyone else, they have to insert it twice. I try to stay humble. Y'know, keep it a secret. But you seem different. Something about you seems special."

Student 1: "Do you ever get depressed thinking about how there are prodigies half our age who can outsmart us?"

Student 2: "Nah. You never hear about those child prodigies once they grow up. They end up worse off. 'Child prodigy' is just a nice way of saying ''one hit wonder.' "

Student 1: "Hmm. But what about that one guy, from Fox News?"

Student 2: "Who, Ben Shapiro?"

Student 1: "Yeah"

Student 2: "He's still a child prodigy."

Student 1: "At 40 years old? He never grew out of it?"

Student 2: "Nope, might be the oldest child in the world at this point. I mean, listen to him."