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KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
Pitch meetings Saturdays at 5:00 pm, Doherty Hall room 1117

Hunt Library is queerbaiting us - OPINION

Hunt Library is queerbaiting us, and I won't stand for it any longer. Hunt was constructed in 1961, but it didn't have exterior lights until 2010, when people stopped gaybashing and everything went to shit. Hunt Library thinks it serves. It needs to stop trying to make Cunt Library happen. It's not going to happen. Hunt hints at a fictional queer identity by flashing rainbow lights at night, in what appears to be a display of pride and flamboyance. But almost as soon as it starts, it turns back to white with blue corners, or sometimes blue with white corners, or sometimes solid piss yellow for some fucking reason. But Hunt isn't gay, it knows it's not gay, Baker knows it's not gay, I know it's not gay, you know it's not gay, it led on my best friend. Hunt Library is a piece of shit for what it did to Pausch Bridge. Queerbaiting is primarily used by Hollywood to attract [I don't know if I can say this word] and their allies, without scaring the straights. Hunt Library is doing the same thing: it wants to have its cake and throw it back too. It's dishonest and honestly fucking shameful. I'd go talk to it but the De Fer unicorn makes me feel things I don't know how to process. Also what the fuck is up with that high-pitched noise in Hunt on the first floor like can you not like bitch what. And who is Maggie Murph anyway?? Gay identity is not a commodity. I want to see Hunt Library go on a date with another library. I want to see them kiss. I want Hunt Library to look into its eyes as the realization hits that their relationship can never work out. I want to support Hunt Library through a heartbreak, bringing it soup and comforting it while it cries in its car during the 15 minute break it gets, begging it to eat just one bite of the sandwich it bought, because it's too weak to stand, and still has four hours to go. Hunt Library is a fucking coward, afraid to love, afraid to be loved. Hunt Library wasn't born this way. It's just too scared to confront the shit it's internalized, and too comfortable passing that on to others as a coping mechanism. Hunt Library is a piece of shit, and I'm tired of saying it and nobody listening. Hunt Library is baiting us, while courting homophobes to keep the bubble it lives in from popping. It's a shallow friend and a cyberbully. Fuck Hunt Library.