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KGB Presents: readme
Editor in Chief: Eshaan Joshi
All the news unfit to print!
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Inventor Claims AI Powered Paperclip "DIFFERENT THAN CLIPPY"

Up-and-coming Silicon Valley entrepreneur Blake Fence introduced his new product WOOORD (stylized all lowercase) at the famed annual SouthWestEast World Tech Conference on Tuesday. Fence presented his novel assistive technology to a room packed with world leaders and the biggest names in artificial intelligence, neural computation, and autonomous agents.

“WOOORD will revolutionize document writing using deep reinforcement learning and convex optimization,” Fence announced to hundreds of eager investors, “And most importantly, WOOORD bears no resemblance to the paperclip-shaped default Microsoft Office Assistant designed to help users with word processing tasks from 1997 to 2003 called Clippit but known colloquially as ‘Clippy’.” “Quite simply, the world will never be the same. Years and years of development on natural language processing and behavioral science has resulted in our company’s seamless interface,” Fence continued to raucous applause. “And just to be perfectly clear, yes, both interface with word processors, both offer tips to a user while working on documents, and both look like animated paper clips, but Clippy and WOOORD are very different things”

Fence assured the audience that WOOORD’s design, a paper clip with animated eyes and eyebrows, was based off of “cutting-edge research on human-computer interaction”, and not simply a copied-and-pasted screenshot of a google search for ‘Clippy’ with the search bar prompt included because nobody in the office knew how to take a screenshot of only part of the computer screen.

“I just want to emphasize this one more time. As the founder of WOOORD, I think Clippy is a dumbass schmuck with nothing to offer the world or himself. I think Clippy is the user interface equivalent of New Jersey. If Clippy went to hell, the devil himself would look at Clippy and say he's awful and not in like the oh-he’s-awful-way-but-that’s-a-good-thing-because -I’m-the-devil way. The devil thinks Clippy is awful in the Clippy is a dumbass schmuck way. I would rather paper fasteners never even existed if it meant Clippy wouldn’t exist. I would rather all of humanity only have loose paper for the rest of our species’ lifetime than look at Clippy one more time.” To conclude the presentation, Fence punched a large paper mache version of Clippy and walked off stage.

“This is the future,” an anonymous investor sitting in the front row told reporters, “I’m going to get in on the ground floor. Invest 3 billion now for a sizable share. I’m ecstatic.” After the conference, rumors are swirling among tech industry insiders about Fence’s newest venture, a block-chain, quantum-computing, game-theory based chat-room that Fence assures “is not AOL Instant Messenger”.